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Date(s) - 02/24/2018
6:00 pm - 10:00 pm

Hillside Community Church


Join us for an evening of deep exploration of personal & spiritual growth. At this time of year, we find ourselves nestled into the depth of winter, let us go deeper into our personal passageways to see what can be brought into the light and remembered. By doing this, we may bring ourselves into wholeness. This invitation has the potential to be extremely transformative and profound in a short period of time.

To begin our time together we will do clearing rituals called limpias and follow these actions by exploring shamanic journeying. The limpias are performed with one another by using rattles, feather wands or bells – we use these tools to remove hucha, or dense heavy energy, that can bog us down. Once the limpias are complete and with the assistance of a deer skin drum, a wave drum – guided meditation and a shamanically empowered altar we’ll embark upon a path of change.

This path consists traveling to the lower world, also known as the Ukhupacha – one’s interior realms. This is the realm of the subconscious where things are hidden within our shadow-self. Through illumination/assistance of animal allies and spirit helpers we will have a very rich evening of self-inquiry and personal growth. If this kind of work is new(er) for you – it may be described as a very dream-like experience/feeling.

In addition, this beautiful evening will reap the benefits of exquisite beauty and all of the nature spirits that reside amongst the area of the Hillside Community Church’s sacred space.

We invite all levels of participants, those that are brand new to shamanism and journey work, to folks that have been on a medicine path for years. It is for everyone.

What holds this work together so impeccably is the use of a Pachakuti Mesa, a shamanically empowered altar (originated by Peruvian Healer-Curandero, don Oscar Miro-Quesada). This powerful altar creates a pristine container for individuals to do their personal growth work by being deeply supported by nature spirits. It is a portal to other worldly realms and a cosmic composting center!

If you feel stuck, lost, isolated…this work may assist in a shift that may bring you back into wholeness. If you are a curious seeker, this might be just the prescription you are looking for. If you want to be with folks that are on a quest for deeper connection to spirit, this is the place.

Join us.

When: Saturday, February 24, 2018, 6:00-10:00 p.m.

RSVP deadline:Thursday, February 22, 2018

What to bring:
A journal and pen
A yoga mat or floor mat/cushion and wrap/blanket for journey work
Eye pillow
Water bottle
Sacred item to “charge” on the central altar (it will return with you)

Bio of leader:
Jnana Gowan, Sanctioned Teacher of the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition is a healer and community leader in service to shamanic arts. Director of Powerhouse Education (her umbrella organization) is an institution dedicated to personal and planetary well being. As an Urban Ceremonialist and healing practitioner, Jnana has led workshops, classes and retreats for two decades. These events/healing sessions are infused with her unique blend of enthusiasm, insight, body-knowledge and a good sense of humor. Her healing center, The Ukhu Pacha Healing & Inquiry Space is in Albany, CA.


Sliding scale: $60-$120 (pay what you able to pay)